Migration- and Automation- Solutions
To be able to cope with increasing demands on flexibility in data communications and networking capability, there is an increasing need of all industrial sectors for general-purpose standard automation platforms. Existing systems "age" fast and are no longer fit for the future, and spare parts will be increasingly difficult to find.
IPKS Migration solutions help you solve these problems and effectively extend the life cycle of your plant. Placing your well proven application software on new hardware, our migration solutions integrate your system into today's world of automation while maintaining the operator control concept you are accustomed to.
Our motto: "Step up, not out!" – Your benefits are:
- Continued use of your well proven applications
- Competitive late-technology hardware components
- Vendor independence
- No need for new development or changing to a new system
- No down-times at commissioning, no training of personnel
- Benefit from the continuous increase in hardware performance
With our Automation solutions we have large scale experience in the fields of:
- MSR (measuring, controlling, regulating)
- Building automation / HVAC
- Process control systems
- Energy- and Load management
- AMCS, Management for compressed air systems
- Logistics, storage technology, materials handling, material tracking
- RFID-solutions
- Process data acquisition / MDE / MES - systems
- Connections to ERP-systems
- Retrofit of "old plants"
- Video wall solutions